As you travel through life you are always running into the perpetual nay-sayers. So often folks predict a dire future for all of us because the young people don't want to learn or do anything productive.
Now it is true that the negative captures the public attention far more than the positive. But the positive is out there, and sometimes it rears a beautiful view of something wonderful that is about to happen. Oh, what a wonderful thing it is to see that fine future and the possibilities that loom before us, stretching far into the future.
One such story came our way this week. Two years ago a 12 year old Florida girl, Lauren Arrington, won 3rd place in a the zoology category of a science fair. The daughters of a couple of scientists, she used her inquiring mind to ask questions of some value about lionfish. Her results came to the attention of Craig Layman, a professor working with graduate students from Florida. They replicated Lauren's study and came up with results that supported her findings.
Their studies have now been published in the Environmental Biology of Fishes, and the good professor gives Lauren credit for her work. Good for her for getting her study extended by the grownups, and good for the professor and his group for including her work by citing it in the journal. This is the way things should be done, in my opinion, with all working together to figure things out, and showing a willingness to share in the glory when the results are in.
With folks like this in the world, we must get some good information that can eventually be of value to the world. Way to go, people. My hats off to all of you.
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